Chairs: C. Cirstea, F. Gadducci, H. Schlingloff Past Chairmen: M. Roggenbach, L. Schröder, T. Mossakowski, J. Fiadeiro, P. Mosses, H.-J. Kreowski
Sat, 16 March 2013 at 12:00 pm in Rome, Italy
Joint work with: Markus Roggenbach
Abstract: In a model-based development process of a software product line, the feature model determines which functions are present in each instance. The functional model elaborates the features to be transformed into an implementation. Both feature model and functional model are constantly enhanced and extended to allow for the incorporation of new features and functionalities. A frequent problem in this process is to decide which test cases can be reused from one instance to the next one. New features can extend the existing ones, or be in conflict with them. Thus, for some enhancements test cases remain valid for the new product, while for others they have to be reworked. In this talk, we formalize some of these notions and ask how to decide which parts of a test suite can be reused in a controlled product line development.