Chairs: C. Cirstea, F. Gadducci, H. Schlingloff Past Chairmen: M. Roggenbach, L. Schröder, T. Mossakowski, J. Fiadeiro, P. Mosses, H.-J. Kreowski
Colocated with WADT 2018, followed by the FLoC conferences (in Oxford).
Accommodation will be either in the college or, if asked for, in a hotel. Registration will open in May and will be available over the WADT webpage.
Travel should be easy: there is a short connection to Heathrow (between 10 - 20 mins by taxi).
The meeting with starts on the 5th at 2pm, it will end on the 7th with lunch at 12.00 noon.
The rough time plan is as follows:
14:00-15:20 2 Talks
15:20-15:50 Coffee
15:50-17:10 2 Talks
9:30-10:50 2 Talks (by observers)
10:50-11:10 Coffee
11:10-12:30 2 Talks (by observers)
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:45 2 Talks
15:30 Coffee
16:00 -- 18:00 Business Meeting
18:15 Walk through Windsor Park
20:00 Banquet
9:30-10:50 2 Talks
10:50-11:10 Coffee
11:10-12:30 2 Talks
12:30 Lunch