Chairs: C. Cirstea, F. Gadducci, H. Schlingloff Past Chairmen: M. Roggenbach, L. Schröder, T. Mossakowski, J. Fiadeiro, P. Mosses, H.-J. Kreowski
Tue, 02 September 2014 at 03:00 pm in Sinaia, Romania
Joint work with: Ignacio Vissani, Ionut Tutu and José Luiz Fiadeiro
Abstract: Service-oriented computing is the name received by a new paradigm where applications run in a global computational network and are formed by services discovered and bonded in run-time through the intervention of a middleware. Asynchronous Relational Nets (ARNs) were presented Fiadeiro and Lopes with the aim of formalising the elements of interface theory for service-oriented software designs. ARNs are hypergraph-based mathematical objects in which hyperarcs represent either the computation of a part of the service, or the logic ruling the communication along a requires / provides point. The semantics of ARNs was originally given in terms of sequences of sets of messages corresponding to the behaviour of the service, being its description a linear temporal logic theory. Later, they were given an institutions-based semantics where signatures are ARNs and models of a given ARN are the ground ARNs to which the latter has a morphism. In this work we provide an operational semantics capable of reflecting the dynamic nature of service execution by making explicit the reconfigurations that take place at run-time as the result of the discovery and binding of other required services.