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IFIP WG1.3 Foundations of System Specification

Talk "A causal view of non-interference"

by Paolo Baldan

Sat, 16 March 2013 at 03:00 pm in Rome, Italy

Joint work with: Alberto Carraro

Abstract: The concept of non-interference has been introduced to characterise the absence of undesired information flows in a computer system. Although its definition often refers to an intuitive notion of causality - the activity involving the part of the system with higher level of confidentiality should not influence the behaviour at lower levels - it is almost invariably formalised in terms of interleaving semantics. In this work we focus on non-interference for Petri nets, as previously defined in the literature, and we discuss possibile characterisations in terms of a causal, true concurrent semantics, with special interest in the unfolding semantics.
