Chairs: C. Cirstea, F. Gadducci, H. Schlingloff Past Chairmen: M. Roggenbach, L. Schröder, T. Mossakowski, J. Fiadeiro, P. Mosses, H.-J. Kreowski
Sat, 06 April 2019 at 02:00 pm in Prague, Czech Republic
Joint work with: Filippo Bonchi, Josh Holland, Robin Piedeleu and Pawel Sobocinski
Abstract: We present a simple calculus of string diagrams, equipped with two different equational theories. The first equational theory, called Interacting Hopf Algebras, axiomatises the interpretation of diagrams as linear systems; signal flow graphs, a well-known formalism in control theory, can be embedded and studied within this framework. The second equational theory, called the Algebra of Resources, axiomatises the interpretation of diagrams as distributed systems, allowing for the modelling of Petri nets. The two perspectives together suggest a reflection on the fundamental (algebraic) structures of concurrency and control theory.