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IFIP WG1.3 Foundations of System Specification

Talk "Proper Convex Functors for Probabilistic Systems Semantics"

by Ana Sokolova

Mon, 04 September 2017 at 12:10 pm in Berlin, Germany

Joint work with: Harald Woracek

Abstract: A large part of my talk will be a high-level overview on basic and recent results regarding the semantics of probabilistic systems. In particular I will give a brief summary of results on (1) branching-time semantics, (2) linear-time semantics, and (3) the role of convexity in probabilistic systems semantics and verification. The approach is always generic, coalgebraic. Then, I will provide a brief technical report on a very recent result: certain functors on the category of convex algebras are proper. This is a non-trivial result (joint work with Harald Woracek, continuing the work of Stefan Milius on proper functors) with important consequences for axiomatisations of trace semantics of probabilistic systems.
