Chairs: C. Cirstea, F. Gadducci, H. Schlingloff Past Chairmen: M. Roggenbach, L. Schröder, T. Mossakowski, J. Fiadeiro, P. Mosses, H.-J. Kreowski
Sat, 27 June 2015 at 04:30 pm in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Joint work with: Ignacio Vissani, Emilio Tuosto, Hernán Melgratti
Abstract: Distributed software is becoming more and more dynamic to support applications able to respond and adapt to the changes of their execution environment. For instance, service-oriented computing (SOC) envisages applications as services running over globally available computational resources where discovery and binding between them is transparently performed by a middleware. Asynchronous Relational Networks (ARNs) is a well-known formal orchestration model, based on hypergraphs, for the description of service-oriented software artefacts. Choreography and orchestration are the two main design principles for the development of distributed software. In this work, we propose Communicating Relational Networks (CRNs), which is a variant of ARNs, but relies on choreographies for the characterisation of the communicational aspects of a software artefact, and for making their automated analysis more efficient.