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IFIP WG1.3 Foundations of System Specification

Talk "Multi-view Consistency in UML"

by Till Mossakowski

Tue, 10 January 2017 at 11:30 am in Binz (Rügen), Germany

Joint work with: Alexander Knapp

Abstract: We study the question of consistency of multi-view models in UML and OCL. We first critically survey the large amount of literature that already exists. We find that only limited subsets of the UML/OCL have been covered so far and that consistency checks mostly only cover structural aspects, whereas only few methods also address behaviour. We also give a classification of different techniques for multi-view UML/OCL consistency: consistency rules, the system model approach, dynamic meta-modelling, universal logic, and heterogeneous transformation. Finally, we elaborate cornerstones of a comprehensive distributed semantics approach to consistency using OMG’s Distributed Ontology, Model and Specification Language (DOL).
